
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cookie Packaging Trick

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Does anybody else dislike it when you have to package your decorated sugar cookies? I usually do because I want to avoid getting crumbs all over the bag. And even more so, I don't want to ruin a decorating masterpiece. Well, I'm sure I'm not the first one to figure this out, but there is an easier way to get those cookies in the bag without making a mess or using up precious time to do so.

It's so simple yet ingenious once I figured it out that I felt it deserved a post. Here's what you do:
Wasn't that simple? It literally cut my cookie packaging time down to a quarter of the time! Hopefully that helped someone out there, I definitely wish someone else had shown me this sooner.

 photo thenewbakingmemoirs_zps410cbd72.jpg

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